Alice                                                                                             Bob                                                                                             Car Seat Crypt

obituary = Robespierre ligature

dichotomy-cellulose lipid baboon

fumble morgue threesome  

loan word go ferrous

butane tax unguent fuzz butter

January: saw off their hands

black refractive Index: 1.34

loophole fog chronos hack

concrete division visor
absorptive capacity methyl-celluose

"we gonna sing to the goons 'cause

what? face shrag?

something won't hatch fire 


human appliance = shit

dork throat dildo platoon B 

Made in USA"

spoon jerk to chimp spurs a Lago

nipple the jeroboam

and it can't vote

military grade penumbra tear duct

electrocute gum Niagara

the casserole is white

eye + shit

what? pimp hole ball one tee

blinko picto catalog

"I am a corpse.  I was President"

flat [slit] say "orange buffoon"

7am aqua rectum Muzak

the Fuck Foundation mausoleum

klieg bastille cluck cluck

no. II supine the aviary  

proxy thumb vegetable

C+ disco

cogito Crack

it's purple up North"

what? what's clown to tree?

it smell like a horse


Trap I Logic:

Dimwit twitch plate

ASTM E2058

Flammability Using

event mildew         

I'm dreaming

shit surface


corpse triplet receding

I fuck the window 

a stool:   

rebuttal liver mopped           

delegate one: half  shoe

people hitch bleating jerk    

"Standard Test Methods"     

Propagation Apparatus

1.4 color suffocated suffix    

Jr.                                glug


frag disco

trench substrate (Vol. IV)

blindness decapitate foot     

the organs levitate in concrete

drape fuck                (inverted)

 American kickoff organ            

max. retardant capacity

Measurement of Material

(FPA) duh doosie

sponge republic weeper

Ordnance Axiom

shit surface             

dim ticker broom  

I drink the matcha

flocked molar forensics recession

tidal rubber


polish the organ till it's great

Trap II Shots Were Fired:

Democracy Test    

thermal response parameter




[chewing gum]

Burn ligature          

loosie won't catch fire  

apply obituary ditto discography


it's that images are constantly

doughnut ejaculation

wherein no image

bit coagulate

of being shot

matter being thrashed

shells fluttering

cum +   

1. ya ya why  

2. ya ya I I how        

3. ya ya I don't have a television what   


critical heat flux    

(TRP, [kW∙s1/2/m2])

repeats magenta

a few children grow draperies

soap in vulture

[flagellate concrete]

yearn car wash chokehold


temperature mosh

it's not that images become less

subjugated into

imagery cripple system

man holds hole

mutilation answers

forensic retinal thrashing     

images abort horse

c) ?

dip = 

(CHF, [kW/m2])

I see the horizon

binomial drag

inside themselves

cuckold diaper

[I paint the floating]

what's a little paint to me

sow gum image to pavement

to the 2nd law

useful over time

shit matter

whip description


the door for fear

indistinguishable from

what's the diameter of the sound

the sounds painted b)


Trap III Image Ditto Figure 8


{ =

RM: this, your silhouette hallway cauliflower
dictionary.  You inquire:

"Uh Oh repose" seeks like-minded* generous, kind,
fun (D) loving #crispytenders shogi

blossom calendar coffee
paired to a beautiful uppercut

gerbil [pamphlet]. 4:
Cereal dimples your patented

@Daylight. Technically: you're strangers.
For you "yah delicacy" = ambidextrous

girlfriend. For you, who needs For sure, yeah yeah,
ok, please? Twice.

No #nograndiloquence of omnipresence.
No toaster in TIF-white toast.


No velour in stud potato (3)
The nightingale whittles #despondency.

Life's a big little box. Your pearls
arrive like coffee, pin the pinnate fronds

and unclutter my umbrella. I voted.
I'm your vase. I'm half-awake.

The painting in "quotes" LOL =
The panoply drops boyfriend

carnations and mop glass. It starts
to rain. 

Yes, all cancellations due heaven
are Diplomatic/Yes, your brevity

lifts a long-winded year, and leaves us
In verdure, and oh, and oh so

{ oh }  

Tan Lin is a poet, artist, professor, essayist, and novelist whose works include The Fern Rose Bibliography (New York: The Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant, 2022), ambience is a novel with a logo (Katalance Press, 2007), and Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004: The Joy of Cooking (Wesleyan University Press, 2010), among many others. Several of Lin's performances and PowerPoint works are viewable at PennSound.

Lin's novel, Our Feelings Were Made by Hand, is being published by Coffee House Press in 2025.
