Curated Space will hold exhibits of interest to scholars of the era. Sound, image, video, textit will all go there in an attractive interface designed to feature the archival material without sacrificing space for criticism. Anything from the art of the avant-garde book cover to a roundup of every musical allusion in Invisible Man to an audio-visual tour of movie villains and their modernist homes might be found inside. Unlike other web-based slideshows, our Curated Space offers plenty of room for explanatory text. Some entries will be strongly argued, others will be more neutrally archival. Curated Space is not subject to formal peer review. If you are interested in submitting to the curated space, send a brief (100 word) description of the project and a sample image, sound bite, or video clip or two to jd dot connor at yale dot edu and drayton underscore nabers at brown dot edu.

Curated Space Editors:

J.D. Connor, Yale University

Deak Nabers, Brown University


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