Archive for January, 2019

Character, Genre, Labor: The Office Novel after Deindustrialization

“Minor characters,” writes Alex Woloch, “are the proletariat of the novel.”1 Defined entirely by the functional role they play — gardener, maid, or mechanic — they are never treated to…

Introduction: The Spirit of Capital in an Age of Deindustrialization

Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic famously seeks out what he terms a “spirit of capitalism” in the development of “duty in a calling.” For Weber, the peculiarly unfulfilling experience of…

My Struggle, vol. 6: Dan, January 4

Greenpoint, NY Dear friends, It is, he claims—all of it—a marriage fight. Call it marital realism, a demon released by the couple form. Call it a gaslight novel. Linda projected…

My Struggle, vol. 6: Omari, January 2

Toronto, Ontario, Canada It does no good to write autobiographical fiction cause the minute the book hits the stand here comes your mama screamin how could you and sighin death…