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Contemporaries Essays, Locating Lorine Niedecker

Pumps and Plovers: Lorine Niedecker and the Critique of Cybernetic Ecology

In 1962, after more than fifteen years of living without running water, Lorine Niedecker finally got plumbing.1 The installation of pipes, toilet, and sink was a major event in the…

Contemporaries Essays, Locating Lorine Niedecker

Niedecker’s New Goose: Settler Colonialism on the Cusp of the Great Acceleration

In the opening poem of her 1946 collection New Goose, Lorine Niedecker pulls her readers into the marsh and situates us in a very specific position — that of the…

Contemporaries Essays, Locating Lorine Niedecker

Locating Lorine Niedecker: Found Among Friends

On a brilliant August day in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin — a micropolis of 12,489, as of the last census, referred to succinctly by locals as Fort — we park across…

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Kerri Webster

Last summer I dropped my phone in the Payette River. There was no saving it, unlike the retrieved paycheck (“I knew a clean man”) sun-dried and flattened in Leaves of…

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Sasha Steensen

Colorado Diamond If geological time is                          time times time,we have mined itnearby:the continent’s fifth largest diamond. Just 45…

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Brandon Menke

It is the silences Niedecker authorizes. Between syllables comes the reprieve of silence — a generative darkness suggestive of the understory and the waters it shades. It is a space…

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Michelle Niemann

Immersion in Lorine Niedecker’s work — especially her New Goose project of the 1930s and ’40s, but also the (not very) long poems she wrote in the 1960s — gave…

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Stephanie Burt

There’s material in Niedecker’s body of work from which anybody could learn: concision, close observation, humility before objects of study — people — who change, and surprise us, and let us…

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Kelly Hoffer

What do I hope to learn from Lorine Niedecker? Duration, intensity. The making of a portraiture faithful to desire and knowledge’s recesses. An economy that is strict but also generous….

Contemporaries Essays, The Marsh

Tiff Dressen

I write to you from fault lines for Lorine Niedecker I write to you from fault lines 2,000 miles away this western edge of the north american plate I grew…