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Contemporaries Essays, Keywords for Postcolonial Thought


Moving away from postcolonial thought’s accounts of internationalist failure in the 1990s, this essay asks, how might anticolonial thought agitate in the present? Agitation, from the Latin agito, denotes a…

Contemporaries Essays, Keywords for Postcolonial Thought

Marriage Hygiene

“Marriage hygiene” may not be a keyword now, but it was in the 1930s, when it was used chiefly as a euphemism for birth control. It appeared prominently in Lysol…

Contemporaries Essays, Keywords for Postcolonial Thought


From charismata to rizz, the concept of charisma continues to swell and transform in intriguing ways. The Oxford University Press declared the slang term “rizz” the 2023 word of the…

Contemporaries Essays, Keywords for Postcolonial Thought

Introduction: Keywords for Postcolonial Thought

Describing his unsettling return to Cambridge in 1945 after World War II, Raymond Williams ponders the “new and strange world around us” where people “just don’t speak the same language.”1…

Contemporaries Essays, Tan Lin

PowerPoint Poetics

PowerPoint is slow, simple, boring, dull, beautiful, ugly, chaotic and evil. I love PowerPoint. I hate PowerPoint. I am obsessed with this strange piece of software. I use it to…

Contemporaries Essays, Tan Lin

Anybody Who’s Everybody

In “Disco as Operating System, Part One,”1 Tan Lin proposes that to consider disco would be to miss the point. “No one really listens to disco,” he assures us, “not…

Contemporaries Essays, Tan Lin

Uses of Obviousness in Seven Controlled Vocabularies

The OED provides the pejorative definition of obvious as “lacking in originality; banal, forgettable.” As any reader of Tan Lin’s work knows, he is a proponent of art that is…

Contemporaries Essays, Tan Lin

Tan Lin: Poems

obituary = Robespierre ligature dichotomy-cellulose lipid baboon fumble morgue threesome   loan word go ferrous butane tax unguent fuzz butter January: saw off their hands black refractive Index: 1.34 loophole fog…

Contemporaries Essays, Tan Lin

过眼烟云(字):  an homage to Tan Lin

“People can be so sentimental. Twelfth Master is not himself.” —Rouge (1987) It’s difficult for me to write about Tan Lin’s work because for a long time now, I’ve felt…

Contemporaries Essays, Tan Lin

Quantum Raciality and the Becomings of Mourning: Tan Lin and His Ideal Forms

In Tan Lin’s work, there has long been an affective interchangeability between people, objects, texts, and images. I suggest that there is a continuous throughline between Lin’s experimentations with affect,…