Post45 publishes new work in two general categories. Please refer to the appropriate section below for submission information.
Post45, a diamond open access, peer-reviewed journal, aims to publish high quality, field-shaping work on any aspect of American literature and culture since the mid-twentieth century. The publication format allows for embedded film clips, audio, images, and other digital objects.
We are especially interested in projects that change our understanding of the field of post-World War II literature and culture, either by drawing attention to understudied subjects or by foregrounding new questions or methods. We emphasize historical and interdisciplinary approaches, and in most cases, we will not prioritize articles on single authors or works if the author is already a subject of extensive scholarship.
In return for your best work, we offer our best effort to make a decision about your submission at a speed that will be considerably faster than traditional print journals.
Essays should be submitted as Word files and formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style, Notes and Bibliography system (without the bibliography). Articles should be no more than 10,000 words including notes. Please e-mail submissions as .docx attachments to We do not accept simultaneous submissions or previously published work.
Peer Review Editors:
Editors: Annie McClanahan (University of California, Irvine) and Arthur Wang (University of Pennsylvania)
Managing Editor: Nia Judelson (Emory University)
Assistant Editor: Aaron Obedkoff (Emory University)
Special Issue Proposal Guidelines
Post45 welcomes proposals for special issues that advance the study of post-World War II American literature and culture — broadly conceived — through innovative methods and questions, or research on understudied subjects.
Before submitting a full proposal, prospective special issue editors should contact the co-editors at with a preliminary query. These inquiries should be as detailed and robust as possible so the editors can assess the special issue’s potential fit for the journal and offer feedback, but need not include full article abstracts nor a complete list of contributors.
Once the prospective guest editors have received feedback and a positive response from the journal’s co-editors, they can begin to put together a full proposal. We strongly prefer proposals with contributions drawn from a diverse range of scholars — especially those that have solicited authors from outside the editors’ immediate professional networks.
Special issue proposals should include:
- A title
- Name(s) and short bio(s) of the editor(s)
- A description of the special issue topic, with particular attention to the issue’s larger interventions in post-war American literary and cultural studies — and why Post45 is an ideal venue for those interventions (around 400-800 words)
- Article abstracts (around 300 words each), with contributors’ names
- A brief explanation of how the editor(s) solicited and selected contributions (2-3 sentences)
- (Optional) names of potential peer reviewers
If Post45‘s co-editors approve a special issue proposal, the editorial team will work with the guest editor(s) to plan a process and timeline for peer review and publication. Guest editors are expected to write an introduction, and may also submit an article for inclusion in the issue, subject to the same anonymous peer-review process as other submissions.
Contemporaries seeks to reinvigorate the erstwhile convention of academic critics not only describing past traditions but also actively intervening in current tastes. It provides a forum for writers to converse with one another more directly and informally than in traditional academic publications. These curated conversations, or "clusters," range from sets of relatively autonomous short essays on a common theme to extended epistolary exchanges, as in our Slow Burn series. Formally inventive clusters are encouraged. If you are interested in guest editing a cluster for Contemporaries, send a brief (100 word) pitch to editors Francisco Robles, Michael Docherty, and Tyler A. Tennant at Publications in Contemporaries are not subject to formal peer review.
Editor in Chief:
Gloria Fisk
Senior Editors:
Francisco Robles and Michael Docherty
Tyler A. Tennant