
Geek Temporalities and the Spirit of Capital

Jeff Bezos begged to appear on Star Trek Beyond. Sergey Brin drew inspiration from Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash. Elon Musk loves video games and cites Isaac Asimov, Douglas Adams, and…

Queer Times for the Straight Book: Maggie Nelson and Michel Serres

If you read a lot of Michel Serres – and you might: he’s written many books, about a lot of things – a conundrum emerges. On the one hand, he…

Global China as Genre

Sunny Xiang

Sean Bonney’s Hate Poems

We are [. . .] unalterable rebels, without gods, master or fatherland; irreconcilable enemies of all despotism, moral or material, individual or collective, in other words, of law and dictatorship…

Introduction: How to Be Now

“What’s happening with the special issue? The ‘now’ of its title keeps changing its referent!” So one of our contributors complained in June, after we had predicted an April publication…

Fuck the Avant-Garde

Rachel Greenwald Smith

Ironies of Web 2.0

Damon R. Young

😂; or, The Word of the Year

C. Namwali Serpell

Painful Repetition: Service Work and The Rise of the Restaurant Novel

Since the 1970s, the composition of the working class in the United States has changed dramatically. Service work now dominates the labor market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that…