Post45 seeks to reinvigorate the erstwhile convention of academic critics not only describing past traditions but also actively intervening in current tastes. It provides a forum for writers to converse with one another more directly and informally than in traditional academic publications. These curated conversations, or “clusters,” range from sets of relatively autonomous short essays on a common theme to extended epistolary exchanges.
After the Leftovers
Past clusters
Abortion Now, Abortion Forever
African American Satire in the Twenty-First Century
Contemporary Literature from the Classroom
Ecologies of Neoliberal Publishing
Feel Your Fantasy: The Drag Race Cluster
For Speed and Creed: The Fast and Furious Franchise
Keywords for Postcolonial Thought
Leaving Hollywoo: Essays After BoJack Horseman
Legacies — 9/11 and the War On Terror at Twenty
Minimalisms Now: Race, Affect, Aesthetics